My 5-year-old found this in the kitchen; she was so scared. We’re not sure if it’s something bad. I found another one in our rice bag. What do you think? Check first comment👇👇

I despise all creepy crawlies, but cockroaches are right at the top of my list. Cockroaches like to hang out in cool, damp, and dark places, and they’re certainly not the type of critter you want to come across in your own home.

If you’ve been dealing with cockroaches in your basement, closets, and under the kitchen sink, you’re probably grossed out and have had enough. Thankfully, there’s a simple and cheap way to rid cockroaches from your home.


All you have to do is mix together about three tablespoons of boric acid and the yolk from one egg. Stir until the mixture forms a thick, dough-like consistency.

Next, use a spoon to make balls from the mixture and place them on a piece of wax or parchment paper. Leave them sitting out to dry for an hour or so.*&rid=1b29541c-cd22-11ef-820b-e43d1a2a04aa&*f!fZRByj63fZRBy71ufZmM3MTdmNzYwOWE3NmM3YzgzM2M1YmY0ZDVjNmE3ZDY%3DfNTEz*DQ1MA%3D%3Df!fg!fs%2BfO%3Bf*fNjgw*DU4MA%3D%3Df%2C*f%2C*ffQf3faHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYW1hemluZ3N0b3J5LnNpdGUvMjAyNC8wOC8yMC9te%2401LXllYXItb2xkLWZvdW5kLXRoaXMtaW4tdGhlLWtpdGNoZW4tc2hlLXdhcy1zby1zY2FyZWQtd2VyZ%241ub3Qtc3VyZ%241pZi1pdHMtc29tZXRoaW5nLWJhZC1pLWZvdW5kLWFub3RoZXItb25lLWluLW91ci1yaWNlLWJhZy13aGF0LWRvLXlvd%2410aGluay1jaGVjay1maXJzdC1jb21tZW50Lz9mYmNsaWQ9%24XdaWGgwYmdOaFpXMENNVEFBQVIwX2pHV0Y2UWNq%24EF%24T21obnpXVQ%3D%3DfaHR0cHM6Ly9sLmZhY2Vib29rLmNvb%248%3DfKysvf*fNTEz*DI2Mjh8MjU2*DIyOTI%3DfNg%3D%3Df%2C*f!fcfNTgw*DY4MHwyNTZ8MTE0fYAfNgfZRBykLVf!fTW96aWxsY%2481LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChL%24FRNTCwgbGlrZ%24BHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEzM%244wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMzEuMC4wLjA%3DfUERGVmlld2Vy*ENocm9tZVBERlZpZXdlcnxDaHJvbWl1bVBERlZpZXdlcnxNaWNyb3NvZnRFZGdlUERGVmlld2Vy*FdlYktpdGJ1aWx0LWluUERGf!fV2luMzI%3DfNjA%3DfMHw4MQ%3D%3DfMTUzNnw4MTY%3DfdW5rbm93bnw0Z3wwf!f!fQfUNCR6%3Df*f*(JbcZ3*&crst=1736273244&wrst=1736273248&muid=p01mw5Zg5nsd

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