A baffling optical illusion featuring a black horse in the snow has taken social media by storm, sparking a heated debate over one simple question: Is the horse walking toward the camera or away from it?
The now-viral video was captured after a snowstorm in Kamloops, British Columbia, and features an American Quarter Horse named Rudnik. His owner, Alesia Willard, had noticed something unusual about her horse’s appearance in the snow last year, but it wasn’t until she filmed him in January that she realized just how much of an optical illusion he created.
A black horse wearing a reindeer headband, Photo Credit: rudniktheroan/Instagram
On January 21, Willard shared the video on Rudnik’s social media pages, adding a caption that summed up her own confusion: “When your horse is so black in the snow you can’t tell if he’s walking towards you or away from you.” She later admitted, “There were a few times I genuinely couldn’t tell.”
The clip quickly exploded in popularity, racking up more than 16 million views on TikTok alone. Thousands of users on both TikTok and Instagram jumped into the comments section to try and solve the mystery.
One Instagram user, JerremyRudnik, joked, “My last two brain cells fought to their last breath tryna figure this one out.”
Another user shared their struggle, writing, “The fact that I could switch back and forth between the two is melting my brain.”
While many were stumped, some sharp-eyed viewers believed they had figured it out. One user explained, “If you look at the snow he throws with his legs, you see he’s going away.”

A black horse walking on snow ground, Photo Credit: rudniktheroan/Tiktok
And for those still struggling, the verdict is in—Rudnik is, in fact, walking away from the camera.
But the fun didn’t stop there. Willard decided to keep the mystery alive by posting a follow-up video titled “Optical Illusion Horse: Round 2.” The second clip provided a closer look at Rudnik moving through the snow, once again tricking viewers’ eyes and fueling further debate.
Even Willard herself remains amused by the effect, saying that her horse “will forever be a mystery.”
Much like the famous “blue or gold dress” debate that took over the internet in 2015, Rudnik’s snowy illusion has proven just how easily the brain can be tricked. One thing’s for sure—the internet loves a good mystery, and this one has certainly kept people guessing.